It's Time to Stop Kissing Frogs and
Create a Relationship
that Will Actually Make You Happy With a Partner that Is Equally Stoked as You Are
Learn all you need to create a happy lasting relationship with a partner that is stoked to start a life with you… even if you think that you are not cut out for relationships
Course Enrollments close
on April 22 2021
Don't miss out!
Are you over the useless relationship advice telling you to make yourself busy or pretend that you are somewhat disinterested, as if wanting soulful love and connection is wrong?
Which of these apply to you?
- You want to start dating, but have no idea how to do it
- You hear dating horror stories and find yourself wondering if you will ever be able to find love you are looking for
- You feel it’s almost like winning a lottery, impossible to find love and be happy in a relationship, but you still really really want it
- Basically, you feel powerless and unsure if you can do anything that will increase your chances of finding love
Or you are already seeing someone but...
- You are tired of the same old distancing when you start falling for a guy. Just a couple of months ago, you were not even sure if he was right for you. Now, when you are falling for him, he becomes a weirdo and you feel that you need to prompt him to ask you out.
- You feel like if you don’t pedal hard, relationship would sink. For God’s sake, are all men slow or dead?
- You find yourself wanting to text him or call him, and then you wonder if you are too needy
- When you try to communicate with him, he reassures you that “everything is OK, and he is just busy at work or tired.” Still, things never go back to how they used to be. He never expresses the same enthusiasm as he was before.
- You go back and analyze all your conversations with him to figure out where you stand
- You spend hours talking to your friends, figuring all you could have done right or wrong, and you still feel frustrated and clueless as ever
- You were happier before meeting him, but now, all you can think about is him.
What the @#%!
You promised yourself that you will never let this happen to you again, and yet here you are.
You can’t understand what’s happening. Your confidence plummets, and frankly you feel like a nervous wreck. Just a couple of months ago, you were on top of your game, and now you can’t recognize yourself. You don’t find joy in anything you used to do before meeting him. All your energy goes into figuring out this relationship.
Shouldn’t dating and a relationship make you happier?
Absolutely! I’m with you on this one. But, let me explain what’s going on here.
First, I want you to know that you are not the only one experiencing this. I also want you to know that it's completely natural that you feel confused because my friend, you never learned what it takes to attract and nurture a relationship that will make you happy.
All your life you were busy figuring out how to show up in the ways that will make others happy and that will help you reach your career and education goals. You've accomplished amazing things. You also have wonderful friends that praise and love you, so why is it so hard in romantic relationships?
Well, my friend, those same skills that make you an awesome person are not enough for romantic relationships. Let me repeat this!
Oh, I really don't want you to hear that you are not enough. Just the opposite. The ways in which we women are raised cause us to feel that we always need to improve something.
The skills that you need to learn now are more about internalizing that YOU ARE ENOUGH and that you are worthy of love just the way you are. No more need to prove yourself. It's time now to learn how to receive and communicate your needs, for instance.
This is something that many women struggle with when starting a relationship. While your ultimate desire is to be seen and loved just the way you are, you struggle to show up as you. The reason why you struggle to show up as you is that you struggle to know how you feel, what makes you happy, and how to communicate all of that to your partner.
Moreover, so many women feel that their partner should be able to figure it all out. Friend, how is he supposed to figure it out, if you are not aware of your own needs. Most of us are ashamed of them and that's why we learn to stuff our feelings and carry on with the normal life.
Are you looking for too much? Should you settle for less?
- You wish there was a way to find love and create a happy relationship and soulful connection with a partner eager to show you his heart and not leave you guessing.
- You have so much love to give and it should be fairly easy to find a person that will enjoy all you have to offer
- You need a partner that is eager to show you his enthusiasm and passion about moving the relationship so you don’t need to feel confused about where the relationship is going
- You want to be seen and loved exactly how you are
Good News! You don't have to settle!
I've cracked the code of love in my personal life and frankly in decades of clinical practice with hundreds of people and women just like you.
Oh, and let's not forget, my advanced training in human attachment theory and relational trauma. Not that I'm bragging about how a badass expert I am. Maybe a little. This is more to show you how much I really care about this topic.
Love is my life and soul. It gives meaning to my life. I personally believe it's the essence of why we are in this world, to give and receive love. Most importantly, to learn how to love. Romantic love is one of the most triggering and confusing for the most people, but I helped hundreds of people create happy relationships.
And now I'm ready to share my wisdom and knowledge with you in a membership with fantastic women that are on the same path as you are. It's the path of soulful love attraction.

The Course of True Love Club
There is a way to create a happy relationship with the right partner with much less effort…
You could finally feel excitement, security, and happiness in a relationship. No emotional roller-coaster because of inconsistency…
You could feel confident and enjoy watching how your attachment for each other grows...
You could be the one who sets the pace in the relationship instead of feeling that you need to propel it…
You could watch him trying to show you how eager he is to start the life with you…
You could finally relax and actually enjoy love…
All of this and more is what I plan on covering in The Course of True Love Club
Special offer! Enroll now and get a ridiculous discount FOREVER!
For less than cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can start on your path to love and a relationship that will actually make you happy. When I launch this next time, it will definitely be a higher investment.
You don't have to feel powerless, confused, and frustrated in your love life anymore.
You don't have to give up and dedicate your life to nunnery.
Stop relying on old useless dating advice that was actually created to keep powerful women feel as if they don't have choice but to settle for any man with a pulse. I say, NO!
You can be proactive about your love life and you can make choices in men, fantastic men, that turn you on and that are cool people too.
You can learn all you need to have a happy, thriving love life with a partner that excites you
Feel Confident
Be one of those women who "know" how to attract men who are stoked about starting their life with you.
The success of these women has nothing to do with their physical attractiveness or wittiness...
Never feel confused
Know how to read the room and where you stand with your dates. No need to call your friends in the middle of the night to figure things out.
You will learn how to quickly recognize good prospects for a long term relationship from those that are not right for you. No need to go through a heartbreaks of attaching to the partners that are not on the same path as you are.
Create love of your dreams
Create a happy, lasting relationship based on your values and deep desires. Attract the partner that will see you and love you for all you are. This doesn't "just happen" as they show in the movies.
But the good news is that you can actually create it, and it doesn't need to be hard.
This requires you to be in touch with your needs, desires, boundaries. I will teach you how to do this, and how to communicate all this, so that you can actually repel the wrong ones early and attract the right ones.
Understand men
Learn deep emotional needs of men and how you fit in their lives. This is liberating because so many women complicate relationships.
Once, women that I work with get some insight about men, their guard goes down, and this has a special effect on the "chemistry" between you two. So many report feeling joyful, confident, attractive, and peppy.
This all comes from feeling more at ease when they get to understand men and their needs.
Scary doesn't have to be soooo scary,
but it can become empowering and exciting
All of this is possible if you are ready to leave behind old limiting beliefs and take action. I know it can be scary, but I will give you all the tools you need to help you through this. It will be a little scary, but oh soooooo rewarding. Once you make that first scary step, and get small positive results, it gives you more confidence to do the next step, and get a slightly bigger result, and then next, and so on.
Oh this is becoming so exciting. You are talking to several men and you are seeing a few of them. They all are cute in some ways. How is the girl supposed to choose? You feel excited and a little scared, but soon enough you gain confidence and intrinsic skills that help you make the right choices.
And, you are in a group of fantastic women going through the same under my guidance.
Small steps will lead to more exciting possibilities, but you need to avoid making these fatal mistakes
I helped hundreds of women just like you. And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes that keep women frustrated and confused when it comes to love.
Mistakes most women make when looking for love
You don't have to stay stuck anymore!
Friend, you are not a used car. You are not for sale. Period! What I'm saying here is that you are not dating to prove yourself worthy of commitment.
Instead, you are meeting people to see if they are right for YOU!
The problem is that we are raised to feel that we always need to prove ourselves worthy. And, I will help you shift this mindset.
OK! You have great people skills, you are a nice person, your friends and family praise and love you.
You are attractive and accomplished. Why is it then hard for you to find love?
So many women think that their interpersonal skills will serve them in romantic relationships, but it is not true. You need to know how to develop sexual attraction and emotional bond too.
If you tend to be attracted to emotionally distant partners, you will feel really crappy when in a relationship.
The problem is that you adopt societal gaslighting that tells you that you are too needy.
Friend, you are not needy. Wanting love and affection is absolutely normal. We are mammals. I will teach you how to be in touch with your needs and how to express them to your partner. When you do this right, men find that irresistible.
I see so many women settling for a first somewhat cute human with a pulse. Then they create a relationship they want in their head and refuse to see the man for who he is.
Then, when they start a relationship, they spend a lifetime trying to change this poor guy into what they think they would like him to be....You've seen it. I've been there myself. I can help you change this.
So, when you find yourself in a relationship with a man that is potentially not right for you, you try to make it work, in spite of seeing so many red flags.
In your effort to prove yourself worthy of love, commitment, and affection many women avoid expressing their feelings, views, needs, and quirks.
The problem is that many don't even know their feelings because we are raised not to be in touch with our needs,
But later in a relationship, this creates resentment and a lot of unprocessed anger, which ruins our chances of being happy in a relationship.
You can avoid making these mistakes but it can be challenging when you are "wired" to show up like this. Our upbringing and emotional and relationship wounds often leads to internalizing limiting beliefs that keep us overfunctioning, which automatically leads to these mistakes. You definitely know in your head that you shouldn't be doing this, but it is really hard to internalize that you are enough and that you don't have to overfunction.
In the membership, you will get step by step process that will help you feel more confident and internalize self-worth and OK-ness if things don't work out with someone.
Join now and give it a try. You can always cancel if it doesn't work for you.
The Course of True Love Club
Dating someone and not having to wonder where you stand. You attract men that are equally eager to date you and who are interested in commitment, marriage, family...
When you bring some issues up, he is eager to resolve them, not run away and evade conversation...
Even when you show up at your worst, he is still there. You don't have to hide…
You could finally start feeling that you can stop overfunctioning, analyzing, trying to prove yourself worthy. He loves you for YOU! How liberating this is...
and less importantly...
No more annoying aunt asking you about your biological clock and telling you how her daughter is so happy with her two children and a third one on the way (you know she is miserable, but it still stings)…
No more dreading going to weddings, parties, and family events alone where everyone wonders why you are still single when you are really pretty…
No need to reassure your poor parents that you will be OK when you see them, worried that you will stay single forever.
Join us, a bunch of amazing strong badass women who want epic, true, love and a relationship that will actually make you happy.
Limited time only...
When you join The Course of True Love Club through the end of today (April 16), you will get access to Three Keys to Commitment - How to Move the Man of Your Dreams from Dating to "Till Death Do Us Part," so you can start your journey right away.
This is the first time I'm opening:
The Course of True Love Club
Special offer! Enroll now and get a ridiculous discount FOREVER!
Here’s what people are saying
This is the first time I'm launching The Course of True Love Club, and I'm utilizing the same framework, Soulful Love Attraction Framework, that I've been utilizing with my clients for years. Check out their feedback.
Sales Executive, San Francisco
Biaka realized that it's much easier to find a good man if you are open about what you want
"... In the past I was afraid to express my wants and needs for fear of being rejected or called needy. Dalila thought me how to communicate in an open, kind, yet firm way, and I now have the relationship I always wanted to have..."
Consultant, Chicago
Allison learned to recognize red flags and make good choices when dating
“...Thank you so very much for helping me work through my trauma. I could not have imagined myself in a place like this - with a wonderful loving man like Justin. Yet, here we are..."
Photographer, Alberta
Jody is saving her marriage by learning to express her needs
"...I’m still learning how to open up and communicate with my hubby, but things are much better now. I think he doesn’t feel like I’m attacking him and he shows the desire to understand me and make me happy. I’m hopeful again..."
Who is The Course of True Love Club Right for?
For all who want to experience true love and who are ready to put some effort into the process of becoming liberated to experience it. This is for women who want to take maters in their own hands and feel empowered and confident when it comes to romantic relationships, although the skills that you learn will help you in all other relationships and aspects of your life.
Perhaps you’ve been in a relationship for long time and now after the breakup you are ready for new love. The problem is you may not be ready for the dating scene. If you are looking to settle and stat family dating is completely different than when you were 16. In this course, I will provide you all the tools you need to be successful, from mindset to specific practical tips about how to meet men, how to recognize if someone is right for you quickly, how to communicate in the ways that will attract the right ones, and so on.
If you’ve been on the scene for a while, but if you don’t know how to position yourself for success, you may be losing hope that there are good men out there.
With my Soulful Love Attraction Pathway, you may not only renew hope, but you can start enjoying dating and courtship while dating men who are eager to keep your calendar full.
A lot what I teach is focusing on you and how you see yourself and how you communicate this will be excellent for you too. Once you learn to express your needs, boundaries, and expectations, your relationship may turn for the better. The process that I teach here is empowering for both you and your partner, although your partner is not the part of the program.
Basically, this is for you if...
- You want to find love or create soulful attraction and connection with your partner
- You tried dating but find yourself frustrated and confused with mixed messages from men
- You find yourself overthinking and overfunctioning hoping that the guy you are with will want to commit to you
- You started dating someone, and it was great at the beginning, but as soon as you started falling for him, he changed and became somewhat reserved without giving you any explanations
On the flip-side, the club is not right for you if...
- You are hoping I will give you a magic bullet tips that will “convert” someone into committing to you
- You are not interested in true soulful effortless love connection but just simply want a husband because that’s what’s on your checklist
- You are OK with taking several decades to find happiness in love without guidance
- You see men as enemies that you need to conquer
Check out the bonuses you get
These are the courses that you can consume right away after you sign up.
Communication Scripts-How to Handle the Most Annoying Issues in Dating or Relationships
In this course, you will learn how to communicate in the most difficult situations. I compiled dozens of tricky issues my clients faced and organized them in a few categories. Now you can be prepared to address them right away.
I explain the underlying meaning of each category and help you figure out how to manage them utilizing principles of assertive empowering communication.
Feel Worthy of Love You Deserve-Guided Meditation
Confidence and self-love are the most essential aspects you need for creating a happy relationship. If you are unable to feel worthy of love, it's gonna be hard to enjoy a happy relationship even if you have the most attentive and loving partner.
I've created this meditation to help you with these internal obstacles and embody the sense of self-worth.
From a Seeker to a Generous Queen-A Mindset Reset for Confidence
Change your mindset from a woman who tries to make herself likable to one that remembers that she has the most precious treasure to share with one lucky person.
Here is the deal. You are looking for love, but even more importantly, you are looking for someone safe to love because you are a queen with the most precious treasure to give, your heart, and your time.
Once you know your value, dating and relationships become much easier

About The Course Teacher,
Dalila Jusic-LaBerge
Hi, I'm Dalila, I'm a relationship coach who works with strong independent women to help them find a partner and create a relationship that will actually make them happy
Love has been my yearning in life forever. I remember as a little girl thinking, “One day, I will find the love of my life.” Besides that, I geek out on politics and hopelessly try to convince people we deserve better treatment like in other developed countries.
But, perhaps more relevant to you, I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist and relationship coach helping women create relationships that will actually make them happy and in which they can love freely without the need for overfunctioning, confusion, and mind games.

Why I created The Course of True Love Club...
I’ve been helping my clients create happy relationships utilizing my personal life experience wisdom and my professional training. Now I want to share this with more people. I chose to create this club because I see so many women struggling in the same ways I had.
God knows, our families or education don’t teach us romantic relationship skills. Being nice and having good communication and social skills doesn’t cut it when it comes to romantic relationships.
And, with all those virtues, I believe you too deserve to be loved and appreciated for all you are, so you can fulfill your ultimate purpose in life, to love without fear and reservations.
Here’s what people are saying about working with me
In The Course of True Love Club I utilize my Soulful Love Attraction Pathway that I utilized with my clients for years.
...incredible wealth of experience and almost uncanny intuition...
"...I’m so grateful I signed up for Dalila’s coaching package because what I needed was a coach, a trainer, a champion, an expert who would guide me through intricacies of modern dating. Not only does she have extensive professional training, but Dalila also has incredible wealth of experience and almost uncanny intuition. The tools, techniques, and insights she has shared with me helped me identify the patterns and behaviors that were no longer serving me. With her assistance I shed the light on my best possible self and her counseling fully empowered me to go after the life and the loving relationship that I want and deserve...."
...a true champion of women...
"....Dalila, your love, compassion, patience and continued guidance are a gift to me. I consider you my coach, mentor and friend and I thank for all you have taught me and all you will continue to help me learn. You are a true champion of women..."
Marketing Specialist
...I'm allowed to have these feelings...
"...After working with Dalila, I feel a sense of relief that I can communicate my feelings without shame and fear because I am allowed to have these feelings..."
Let's look at what I teach in The Course of True Love Club
Seven Transformational Steps
From Confused, Frustrated, and Ready to Give Up to Happy and Safe to Give You Heart Fully
Join today! Doors are closing soon!
The Course of True Love Club
This is what you are getting
when you sign up for
The Course of True Love Club
($250 value)
Become a member of a club of courageous authentic women who want to feel powerful and take a charge of their love life instead of feeling frustrated and confused.
Weekly Expert Education
($250 value)
Learn about relationships, men, yourself, and attachment trauma that affects how you show up in a relationship based on the latest research and proven methods that help my clients. I will provide you with knowledge you need for transformation that will help you be ready to receive love you want.
Soulful Love Attraction Method
($2000 value)
Attract the love and create relationship that will actually make you happy on all levels including body, mind, and soul. I developed this method based on my personal experience, long clinical practice, and scientific knowledge of human relationships and attachment theory.
Insight, Action, Transformation Assignments
($500 value)
I created specific assignments based on years of my experience and advanced education in attachment and relationships. These assignments will help you gain insight, change limiting beliefs, and help you feel empowered in your love life. Transformation can come when you implement knowledge I give you, gain insight about your mindset, emotions, and actions that brought you where you are, and when you take action towards the results that you want.
Priceless time with me and other women where you will have a chance to ask questions and get answers you need when you feel stuck or confused. Although we are going through specific modules, you may bring any issues related to relationships.
Self-Love Revolution Communication skills
($550 value)
Learn new communication skills based on self-love, so you don't have to feel the resentment. This is a powerful communication method that helps you build a deep emotional bond with your partner. The skills you learn from this will help you throughout the life. .
Women who support each other have much better chances of meeting their goals. You will get a chance to meet like-minded people who are on the same path to love as you. You would be surprised how helpful it can be to listen to others and provide encouragement to others.
When you join The Course of True Love Club through the end of today (April 16), you will get access to:
Three Keys to Commitment-How to Move the Man of Your Dreams from dating to" till death do us part."
This course is one of my client's favorite. It will give you a chance to start you love journey.
Overall Value: $4750/Yearly
This time only, get a special founder's access, and it will NEVER go up for you
This is two months completely free
Get started for just $39/month
(founder's investment)
This is less than a cup of daily coffee
This is my first time launching and you will never be charged more if you remain a member of the club. The investment is definitely going up in the future launches.
Monthly membership
Forever low as long as you are a member
Yearly membership
Get two months of membership completely free
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
Course Enrollments close on April 22nd 2021

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
I've Got A Rock Solid 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
The Course of True Love Club Membership is 100% Risk-Free!
If you feel like you don’t get 10x the value from the training, you can email anytime within 30 days and we will happily refund your full amount.
After that, can cancel the membership at any time
Don’t wait! Look at what past clients have to say about Dalila
These 3 testimonials should focus on why past customers found that your course was absolutely the right decision. Remember, your visitors are looking for reasons not to buy after they see the price, so include some testimonials here that alleviate that anxiety. If you haven’t got great testimonials yet, then check out our article on the
Thanks from Danielle
I just wanted to say thank you! You have helped me be less anxious with dating and really helped me to reframe my mindset and adjust my expectations.
Business Consultant
Breakthrough session with Samantha
I'm so happy I found you. I love our sessions much. Yesterday's work will impact me for a long time.
Thank you so much
Financial Advisor
I couldn’t believe my luck but it wasn’t luck.
On our second date, I told my partner that I wanted a committed and serious relationship. He introduced me to his parents a month after we started dating. Within 6 months he proposed. I couldn’t believe my luck but it wasn’t luck. It was hard work, training, and self-discovery that led me to success. Knowing what I wanted was the first step on that journey. Dalila helped me understand that I'm good just the way I am.
Got questions? I've got answers!
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
True! There are some pretty grim statistics about women over certain age and finding love. But friend, statistics don’t take into account your desire, your efforts, and your smart strategies. And those, the strategies, nobody teaches you. If you are like most of us, you get useless advice from your family based on their personal beliefs and desires to keep you “out of trouble,” when you are young. What kinds of messages we hear from our family?
- All men are the same ...Men want only one thing...
- Men are not interested in women who are strong...
- You need to pretend to be meek if you want to attract a man...
- Men are only interested in looks....
- Nobody wants a woman over (fill in the blank) age….
What kind of mindset are you supposed to have with all this BS garbage. These are limiting beliefs that keep us feeling horrible about ourselves. Now, imagine if you connect with your true purpose of finding love, and if you could see yourself for who you are, a beautiful person, with a big heart, who wants to make someone else happy. Perhaps then, you could see the true value that you have to bring to one lucky person. Your job only becomes to recognize who that lucky person can be. And of course, you need to put a little effort into dating, so you can meet people and recognize who your lovebug is. So, back to those stats…They become much more favorable towards you because you are on the mission, girl. You are after what your heart desires, true love and soulful connection with an amazing person that is stoked to be with you. Additionally, I personally believe that if you want something really hard, and you work on it, you are destined for it if you don’t give up. Can a course help you? Of course…No pun intended. A course can help you with some of the aspects on your path. For instance, dealing with limiting beliefs, learning how to communicate with men in the ways that will help you build a deeper connection and attraction, learning how to express your needs, so that your partner will feel connected with you instead of feeling attacked. The Course of True Love Club is waaaaay more than a course. You will get everything I feel you need to work on to find love, but you will also have access to me, to ask me any questions during our group coaching. Additionally, I will create content based on what I see you need as you go through this process. So, it’s a living and breathing thing to support you along with other women who are on the same path.
It all depends on what your ultimate goals are and where your starting point is. Usually, people who apply this in practice make quick progress. Most of my clients who are looking for love and who start dating process the way I teach them, see the results right away. They get multiple suitors and have their calendars booked with different dates. Women who apply this knowledge in their relationships, see the results right away. Their partners sometimes send me thank-you notes.
You can go at your own pace, but I recommend taking half an hour to an hour weekly. Luckily, you can download audio form and listen on the go, while you are working out, doing chores, and so on. There are times when you need to write in a journal, but it takes 10-15 minutes.
Great question. Although I follow the specific framework, my approach is client-centered. This is your club, and your needs drive my content, involvement, and coaching. So, rest assured. I've got you. I'm here to support you in what you need to achieve your goals if they align with The Soulful Love-Attraction Framework.
Although the framework is presented in a linear fashion based on time frame, our relationships, emotions, and growth isn't. So, we will be addressing your needs as we go along.
You have two options here
Continue to spend more time and energy trying to figure it out on your own until you lose hope... Or, finally have a proven roadmap for finding the right partner and creating a happy relationship so you can finally enjoy soulful connection and passionate mutual attraction with your partner.

What would you give to find love and be happy? You can't monetize this kind of value, but here is
what you are getting when you sign up for
The Course of True Love Club
($250 value)
Weekly Expert Education
($250 value)
Soulful Love Attraction Method
($2000 value)
Insight, Action, Transformation Assignments
($500 value)
Self-Love Revolution Communication skills
($550 value)
When you join The Course of True Love Club through the end of today, you will get access to:
Three Keys to Commitment-How to Move the Man of Your Dreams from dating to" till death do us part."
Overall Value: $4750/Yearly
This time only, get a special founder's access, and it will NEVER go up for you
This is two months completely free
Get started for just $39/month
(founder's investment)
This is less than a cup of daily coffee
This is my first time launching and you will never be charged more if you remain a member of the club. The investment is definitely going up in the future launches.
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
regular course
One sentence summary of what they get
Advanced course
One sentence summary of what they get
You are ready for The Course of True Love Club
- You're ready to start a new chapter in your life with a man of your dreams eager to take the relationship to the next level.
- You're tired of overfunctioning and trying to figure out all on your own.
- You're ready to take action that will build your confidence step by step and lead to finding the one that is stoked about life together.
- You want to have fun and enjoy courting and progression of the relationship.
- You're ready to love a partner that sees you completely and loves you not in spite of all your quirks but because of them.
- You're ready for The Course of True Love Club.
I want you to know that I'm here to give EVERYTHING in my power to see you succeed on your path if you show up and are willing to commit to the process.