How to Heal When You Are Feeling Betrayed After a Breakup

by Dalila Jusic-LaBerge  - August 11, 2017

Do you feel betrayed after a breakup? 

  • You wonder what's wrong with you that he had to leave
  • You feel urge to retaliate
  • You feel stuck and  can't move on

Feeling Betrayed After a Breakup, Dalila Jusic-LaBerge, LMFT Agoura Hills, California


Divorce or breakups are really difficult for us humans. We are mammals, and we are created to bond, but we just don't learn how to say goodbyes. All fairy tales that they told us as when we were little end with "fairy tale endings." The prince charming and the princess wind up together and live happily ever after. Then, in our regular lives, breakups leave us feeling betrayed. You may take his desire to leave personally. You may feel somehow that you don't measure up because he left. Or it could be that he truly betrayed you by some of his actions. Breakup and Divorce Recovery Counseling can help in these difficult times.

Feeling Betrayed After a Breakup, Dalila Jusic-LaBerge, LMFT Agura Hills Counseling


Feeling Betrayed May Leave You Powerless

When you feel betrayed after a breakup from a romantic relationship, it can leave you feeling helpless to control your emotions. But during this difficult time, it's important to take measures that will help you manage and hopefully grow emotionally stronger. Here are 5 tips to help you manage through these difficult times. Read my article published by Clinton Power and Associates

Although you may be suffering now, this can be an opportunity to heal old wounds from difficult past that prevent you from enjoying love and life today.

Relationship counseling focuses on healing all the underlying issues, such as anxiety, stress, anger, irritability, emptiness, etc. Addressing these symptoms and old hurts from the family of origin can help you get to a place of clarity, security, and confidence in romantic and other relationships.

Are you struggling with a breakup?

If you are ready to heal from this let's connect. Call for a free 15-minute consultation to see how I can help  

Early Trauma Doesn’t Have to Be Horrific to Make an Impact on Your Adult Life

Dalila Jusic-LaBerge

I'm dedicated to guiding women from feeling confused and frustrated to feeling competent and joyful when it comes to matters of love and romance.

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