Three Reasons Why You Don’t Meet High Quality Men Ready to Commit

by Dalila Jusic-LaBerge  - February 4, 2022

Three Reasons Why You Don't Meet High Quality Men Ready to Commit

Feel Like a Muse (even if your guy isn't a poet)

Are you loosing hope when dating because you feel as if there are no high quality men ready to commit? If you are like so many of my clients and other high-achieving women, you too may feel exhausted.  But what if I told you that this is happening because of something that you are doing wrong?  I don't want you to feel inadequate when I say this. I want you to feel empowered and think that you can become more aware do something different.

The good news is that you can change how you approach dating, and you will see the different outcomes.

Imagine meeting high quality men who are not avoidant and who are clear about their own expectations and intentions, and most importantly who are not going to make you wonder where you stand with them?

What are the three mistakes women make that prevent them from meeting high quality men ready to commit?

These mistakes are all related to each other, and once you become aware of them, it will be so much easier to change your thinking and behaviors. Most importantly, you can start enjoying dating more and of course, you will realize that there are quality men that want a happy relationship.

1. You focus only on one person 

The first mistake is related to your desire to get to your goal quicker. You are eager to get off the dating scene, but by doing this, you are actually prolonging your struggle, and your goal of finding love moves further away from you.

The first mistake I see so many women make is that they stop dating other people as soon as they start attaching to one person they perceive as slightly good potential. This often leads them to be too invested in a situationship that may not be right for them. After a couple of months you attach to a man that may not be interested in the same kind of commitment as you are.

And now you have to go back to the dating scene with half ass enthusiasm and semi broken heart.  This only leads to further erosion of your trust in the process and loss of faith that there are high quality men available.

2. Not standing up for what you want

The second mistake that women make is that they wind up neglecting their own values, needs, and boundaries, which often leads to feeling resentful for not having their needs met while losing themselves in the relationship.

Somehow we wind up gaslighting ourselves by telling ourselves that perhaps what we are looking for is not right. I see so many women afraid to state that they want marriage, commitment, or monogamy. What you are doing is just telling the men you meet that you are not serious about those values. So, why would they be serious with you?

The high quality men ready to commit will think that you are not right for them.

3. When things don't work out with one person, you conclude men are intimidated by smart women

Lastly, this third mistake is related to the meaning that you create when things don’t work out with that one man.  Many high achieving professional women conclude that men are intimidated by smart women. It’s just natural that they lose hope that they can find a suitable partner. How can you go out and look for love when you don’t believe it’s out there?

Furthermore, this kind of thinking will lead you to internalize that you have too high standards, and this is definitely not true. Being yourself and expressing your needs openly is the best way to attract the high quality men with similar values. That's how you create a soulful secure relationship.

How to date to attract high quality men? 

You see, focusing on only one man while dating is actually emotionally exhausting. Instead of allowing yourself to enjoy the company of different men, you focus on making it work with this one guy.

Moreover, if things don’t work out, the breakup is painful, and you need extra time to rebound and start meeting other people. In addition, you lose the ability to consciously figure out who’s right for YOU. Let's avoid this!

I mean look around. Look at successful women in relationships. Many say that they found someone when they were not so invested in the results. In other words, they didn’t really care to find someone at that time.

This detachment from the outcome allowed them to show up as themselves, which is highly attractive. They were also able to figure out if someone is right for them instead of trying to make themselves likeable.

How to achieve a level of detachment when you are eager?

So, how do you do this? How can you achieve this level of detachment when you  care about finding someone? Well, let me break this down…

Simply date several people at the time until some of them prove to you they are right for you. Enjoy the process and observe how you feel in their company. This will allow you to figure out how it feels to be treated well, how it feels to be with a man ready to commit vs. someone who’s just playing around. Don’t wind up in a position of trying to convince someone that you are worthy of their heart.

So, let me ask you. Do you want to continue giving all you have to that one man before knowing he is right for you or are you ready to find love fast?

If you're ready to find love and create a secure happy relationship with a high quality man ready for commitment, then try dating more than one person.

Follow me, subscribe, and help me spread the word. We need more secure love in this world. Future generations depend on it.

Are you tired of constantly questioning yourself and wondering why you are meeting men that don't know what they want?

I can help you with it. I help women just like you create secure love with affectionate, high quality men who don't keep you wondering.

If you want to learn more about how to create secure love and you are tired of shenanigans on the dating scene, join my Secure Love Creator club. The link is down below or up there in the bio, depending on where you are watching this video.

Is relationship coaching right for you? 

I offer online relationship coaching for high achieving women interested in sincere high quality men, men ready to give you their heart. 

If you are looking to create magical attraction with an amazing man, you need to know how to express your feelings and needs. Your feelings are the path to his heart. 

Learn how to process and express your emotions. I created a course just for that. Self-Love Revolution-Express Your Feelings and Capture His Heart  course will help you learn how to communicate with your partner in the ways that will deepen your bond.

Learn how to express your needs and boundaries in the ways that will make your partner feel empowered to make you happy and protect you instead of making him defensive. Your anger is the key to your deeper emotions. Once you become aware of them, you can communicate much more effectively.

Learn How to Understand Your Emotions and  Communicate Your Needs 

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You will also get two bonus courses:

Challenge Your Accidental Singledom AssumptionsLearn how to change your limiting beliefs and get the love you want

Reach His Heart- Communicate with your partner, so he never has to feel attacked

Read more about dating and relationships 

Don't Worry Why Some Men Are Intimidated by Powerful Women

Dalila Jusic-LaBerge

I'm dedicated to guiding women from feeling confused and frustrated to feeling competent and joyful when it comes to matters of love and romance.

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