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"Wait for love to come naturally" is an outdated advice created to keep you powerless and confused about your love life. So many powerful high-achieving women fall for this advice although they feel empowered to go after many other desires.
I understand why you fall for this. This message that we should keep ourselves lovely and waiting has been repeated to us for centuries. Even some modern relationship educators tend to repeat this. There is a notion that you as a woman will lose your dignity if things don’t happen “naturally” like they show in romantic comedies. Following this advice could be the reason that you didn’t have a date for months.
Why shouldn't you follow this advice?

If “wait for love to come to you” was the right thing to do, we wouldn’t have so many lonely people waiting and waiting. You have the right to more power when it comes to such an important issue in your life. Think of how much you would increase your chances if you did something different instead of just waiting.
If love is super important to you, are you gonna just leave it to chance? Of course not. There is a much better way to do it. What is it?
What secure lovers do instead of "patiently" waiting for love
So, let’s talk about how you can get some dates. What is it that secure love creators do? How is it that they have multiple suitors, while other women are sitting home and eating ice cream while watching Netflix alone?
Secure love creators show interest in men they like
They initiate contact or at least they signal that they give the green light to those that interest them. Remember, no self-respecting man will pursue you if he doesn't get the green light from you. In order for this to work, you need to remember a couple of things.
Of course you may need a little help getting over major nerves. I get it you are not used to this, but once you get going, you will love it.
Join Secure Love Creator Club.
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I offer online relationship coaching for high achieving women interested in sincere high quality men, men ready to give you their heart.
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